The price of Fame!

Nobody knew anything about her before the cook-a-thon. She was just the regular lady out there doing her thing and praying her hustle pays.
100hrs of cooking and boom, the world was hearing her name HILDA BACI, it became a chant, a reference for different people and several motivational speeches and write-ups.
Press conference, interviews, enforcements, deals, access to the top men of the society, on and on the floodgates were opened.

Then they began to dig
Dug up her history
Dug up her family, occupation
And her ranchy pictures began to surface.
Some began to point fingers almost immediately.
The negative talks...

Well, she decided to host a cooking show/ some form of conference with an entrance fee of #25,000 and the people just lost it.
Finally, those who have been looking for the opportunity to wag their jealous tongues saw the platform to go on a firing spree.
Suddenly we're seeing on the internet that some other lady has began 120 hours cooking as well, to break the yet to be acknowledged 100hours record.

Mtwwwwwwwe my people, fame has a high price.
Everyday we pray to God that we want to be reach and famous. However, not all of us can stand the heat that comes with it.
One minute you're everybody's sugar, the next minute everyone is clamouring for your head.

The most important thing therefore is to do you!
Be you, do you, promote you and live you to the fullest.
Like the saying goes 'You're not party jollof rice, so, not everyone will like you'.
Live life according to your terms and fulfill your purpose in life; that's the best gift you can give yourself.
You choose rather to pursue fame and fortune?...


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