Who is he/she?

Is it an age thing,
Or societal pressure,
Or for the gains? Affluence, influence and societal relevance?

Many have gone into committed relationships and ultimately some ended in marriage even when they saw all the signs.
You knew he had a wandering eyes from day 1 yet you tell yourself  'he'll change once we get married'.
He/She has barely given you anything tangible since the inception of your relationship but you have a perfect excuse 'He still doesn't have a job, so I'm giving him out of love and investing in our future' or 'I plan to make her my wife and my woman is not supposed to do anything'.

How about the ones who physically abuse their partner?
How about the self absorbed and self centered?
How about the Mummy's boy/girl?
How about the one who always involves the whole village in your issues?
How about the one who nags or have anger issues?
How about the one who doesn't have common goals, interest and beliefs with you?
It all doesn't matter because she's a beautiful lady and will look good in my arms at every societal function OR because he's pocket is deep and since he funds your every want, why not endure the  madness.
Few years down the line, you're full of scars with tears running down your face and asking God 'why me?'

Don't let the above scenario be your story. There are too many broken homes and too many still crying in marriage. You cannot know everything about a person but you can tell from the knowledge you have, the quality of the man or woman in your life.
Do not be in a hurry to wear that ring.
Do your due diligence and don't overlook the red flags.
Life is too short to be spent in pain or full of regret.


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