Who's there?

Not everyone or everything should be worthy of your attention.
As we grow in life, we should expect that a million and one things will come at us.
Remember the saying, that it's only a tree with good fruits that people throw stones
Therefore, a tree with bitter fruits or no fruit at all  will have no stone thrown at it. Why? Nobody is interested in it and it has nothing good to offer 

We therefore should know that not everyone can be our friends,
Not everyone is worthy to possess the knowledge of deep things happen in us.
Not everyone should be invited to know your house, your plans, aspirations and more.

Your growth in life should reflect on the quality of people you surround yourself with.
If you intend therefore to go far in life, your friends oughtto be purposefully selected.

Finally, you see your spouse?
That ought to be your number one best friend and cheerleader in everything and as such, should know all of your plans, UNLESS it's a 'special kinda spouse' if you get what I mean.

Alot is going on in our world of today and you can't afford to have someone who isn't cheering for you, rooting for you, praying and encouraging you or bringing progressive ideas around you.
If they can't offer these, it's better one is alone.


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