Be the initiator!

She picked up the call and the first sentence was 'You, you, so it's over two months now and you can't even call somebody'. Yet I was the one who just initiated a call with her.
Shade was a girl I met in one of those vacation camps and we decided to hang around each other and we're becoming close.
We talked very often until I noticed I was the one initiating most of the calls so I took a few steps back to properly observe the relationship. Two months, and no call, then I call and she tries to flip the script? Laughable!

There are so many stages to friendship and there are so many kinds of people in friendships that are yet to understand who they're friends with.
I have this female friend who when we first became friends she'd always expect that I call her everyday.
I tried for a few days and stopped. I simply couldn't keep up with it as it was entirely outside my person.
She began complaining and nagging about calls and my Dear, I just decided to let things be. I'm nmore of a chat lover than calls.
After awhile, she adjusted and we've been good friends for over 10 years.

If your friend doesn't like calling, don't force it
If you haven't heard from your friend, reach out and call; your bride price won't reduce
If you've missed seeing them, please visit.
Life to short to be keeping scores or going about all those protocols. You never know what people are passing through and besides, omorrow is not guaranteed.


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