Kids will be kids!

I thought my daughter had an encounter with a wild animal in the children section of the church. Clothes in disarray as the buttons were funnily matched up, several hair ribbons displaced, so many strands out of place, how about her overall look? Dear heavens!
So you could imagine the shock on my face as I saw her calling out my name and running into my arms.

I'm yet to understand how to manage the transformation that happens once kids step out the door.
You get the perfect outfit, hairstyles, every little detail is watched, dress her up just like you imagine and then they're off to school, only to return few hours later looking like wild wild west.

Kids loooovvvveeee to play
Having them looking all dressed up like a million dollars doesn't bother them. They just want to play!
So, in case you see your kids looking crazy, just know they had a swell time! And of course, no mother wants to hear that.


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