Mummy Mummy Mummy!

It was such a joyful time for my family when they heard about the safe delivery of my first child. 
By the end of that day, Mum was already in the hospital with me. As expected, Dad called regularly to check up on his girls, which was cute. 
Four days post CS, we were discharged and home. And then the main omugwor began.

Two weeks in and it was safe to say my Dad was now residing with us through his incessant phone calls.
He called so much it began looking like Mum went away with his oxygen. For a couple who spent all their time throwing jabs at each other, this was very funny to watch. Mum began making excuses for him, stating how sure she was that something was wrong hence the frequency of his calls.
Story, story, Mum left me to omugwor myself   and ran back to her beloveth husband.
Same circle it was again when i had my second child.
Dad tried all the tricks in the book but Mum wasn't budging. Before we could say 'jack', Dad was standing in front of our house, knocking on the door.
Guess what?
Mum stayed for one month plus and there was Dad, doing Omugwo together..
Funny people!

Fathers behave like they're  not seeing anything until their wives travel. Suddenly nothing makes sense, complains left, right and centre and it's almost like their universe has been turned upside down until wifey returns.
I see my kids and hubby display all these and more and by God, it's so so funny.
They act as though they can't function without the mother of the house but the bottom line is mothers are indispensable!!!😘😘😘
                                        Pic source: internet


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