Take me back to the good old days where life was free and happy
Where everybody knew his neighbour, all their kids and almost everything about the family.
Times where adults were parents to every child on the street
Adults didn't look the other way whenever they saw a child misbehaving just because he or she isn't theirs
Where everyone lived a communal life
No hidden thoughts, no hidden agenda, no show off
You could easily run to your neighbour when you ran out of anything.

I remember once watching tv in a neighbour's house, although my bumbum got hot thrashing
I remember eating in a large tray with so many kids either neighbours or from church
I remember trekking back home from school or church with other kids
I remember running in the rain and screaming so wild, loud and carefree.

It's raining today and as I sit at the varrenda to my parent's house, I see my childhood and all the fellas on my street
Life has happened, everyone is all grown and facing adulthood responsibilities
A quiet evening stroll and one is reminded of what life is now in contrast to what it used to be
Everyone is on the fast lane
Discipline is far from the young people
Everybody's looking the other way
'it's not my responsibility' they all say
You don't even know the name of neighbours and the theme today is 'mind your business'.

Yes, innovation has made life today easier but we're missing out on the fundamentals of life that kept us together as a family. So yes, I miss the old days.


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