Prayer machine; Let fire fall.

'I see, I saw, your mother-in-law is the problem in your marriage' the prophet said
Before the prophet was done speaking, Sarah was already rolling on the floor in a pool of tears.
This was the 6th prayer house she was visiting and 5 out of the 6 told her the same thing. What other confirmation was there to seek?

Flashback: she remembered vividly that lovely day when her eyes began to open to see.
She went to make her hair in the saloon and the topic for discussion that day, was in-laws.
Everyone was trading stories and the more she heard, the more she saw the root of the problems in her home.
No child after 7 years of marriage
Whenever hubby's siblings came around, he'd withdraw huge amounts of money for them. Money he should be saving for when their kids will come. 
How about Mama always showing up?
And whenever she's visiting, the atmosphere just doesn't feel right.
That's how Sarah connected with Mummy Olisa who began taking her to these prayer houses.

After hearing this, Sarah was convinced more than ever to find a lasting solution to her problems but little did she know, she was the problem.
Two years into marriage without a child, she became withdrawn and desperate. Several hospital consultations told them they were alright but Sarah wouldn't let it.
She became another person. Always thinking, always suspicious, began nagging all as after effects of saloon and prophecy talks. 
Mama who visited regularly was doing so with the intention of giving Sarah a shoulder to lean on but Sarah said it was Mama's guise to monitor her home and so she found a way to push Mama away from visiting. Hubby's siblings weren't spared either.

Gradually, she turned her home into a war zone and without making noise, her hubby worked his job transfer to another state. Given her behaviour, he couldn't be bothered if they had a child as her hubby said he didn't want to be part of her replicating another of herself.
Four years living apart and hubby visiting her once in awhile, how could they possibly start a family?

Sometimes we spend our time praying when we should be working to correct our flaws and hoping we wouldn't have lost out forever when we eventually make a change.
Most of them prayer houses and prophets have done so much damage than good. Turning families against each other, operating a money making machine(the payer houses).
But that's what we get going up and down; exposing our homes and opening the door so strangers to invade out home.

Can you stop with the marathon prayer for a minute and work on fixing your home?


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