They see us, they hear us!

The sound of running water was persistent so my curiosity got the better part of me and I went to check out the source. That's how I met my 5years old boy bathing his sister of 3years+.
My son has gotten used to hubby and I bathing and dressing them up and generally cater to their needs, whatever the occasion. He took to trying same for his sister. Bathing her, dressing her up, feeding her, petting her and alot more.
These kids see us. They watch what we do and emulate. It's works better than talking or spanking.
They see how you treat your spouse, neighbours,friends,family and even yourself. Tomorrow they'll reproduce these things.

How about hearing us?
You laugh at people inside the house,and tell yourself nobody's hearing you.
You say mean things about them, you give people names or just have funny conversations.

How about the positives?
They hear you appreciate those around you
They hear you tease and compliment...
Hubby traveled today and in the course of dropping the kids off before leaving he hugged them and explained to them that he'd be going on a work trip.
I went to pick them back and my son asked 'wheres daddy?' 
Next thing he went 'oh Daddy went to work '.
You see those things you tell your kids and they don't want to hear you, well, they actually do. So, good or bad, we should be mindful of what we do or say around our kids cos they'll surely replicate it.


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