What informs people's decisions to keep wild animals as pets?
A man was just killed as he stepped into where he kept his pet crocodiles and mistakenly slipped into the area they slept.
Imagine keeping over 40 crocodiles as pet.
How about the man who kept snakes?
Next thing we were reading about his death. Snake wrapped him up and had began swallowing him when family members showed up at his residence.
Pets in general are cute and loving to have around but why keep animals you can't control?
This won't be the first time we'd be hearing of pets killing their owners yet so many still go ahead to subscribe to keeping animals that can attack at any point.
How about those whose pets go about attacking people?
How about zoos that keep animals and can barely feed them?
Why keep them?
Let the wild animals go be wild!
Let the wild animals breatheeeeeeeeeee!
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