August visitors

Gbrigidi gbrigidi gbrigidi gbrigidi
One could hear the sound of footsteps, table turning and all
That was us as kids running into the room whenever we caught glimpse of any one coming to visit with our parents.

Since our parents are both pastors and we lived quite close to the church, it was only natural to know that our house WOD always be busy.
We'd always have visitor. Those who just came for greetings, those who came with prayer requests, those who came with problems and required mediation and those who just decided to stumble into our home.
Even as far as late at night.

We the kids decided to help ourselves have a life of our own
We began locking ourselves up in the room.
If peradventure we're in the sitting room and see any visitor show up, before they'd knock on the door, we're gone.
However whoever happens to be the last person to run in would have to stay back in the sitting room, arrange whatever is out of place, wait on the guests and finally cover for us whenever the need arises.
Did you grow up avoiding visitors?


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