Done your research?

This afternoon, a man rushed to my parents to cry about the business he wanted to start. 
He bought equipments and stuffs to start a block industry but didn't have a land yet to begin. He kept the equipments somewhere pending when he got the site for business. Months past, he still hasn't gotten a site and he has started paying huge amounts for storing his equipments where he did.

So many of us have made great financial mistakes and most times it's because we didn't really take our time to make research before investing our money.
We're quick to spend either for emotional reasons or just because we have it. Nothing beats proper research. 
That it's working in point A and for A, doesn't meant it will work at point B for B.
From MMM, to Agrofarming, to forex, to importation, to storage or purchasing cars or motorcycle and giving out to drivers, to opening up businesses and handing it over to be run by people.

I learnt a very good financial lesson from hubby and he said, whenever you have money is the time you shouldn't spend at all or do your best to cut your spending to the nearest minimum, meaning nothing but necessities should be bought.
Don't be quick to put your money into any investment without doing your due diligence so it doesn't end in premium tears!


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