I have this motto about life that I don't do to others, what I wouldn't want anyone to do to me.
 In other words,I don't dish out whatever I can't take.

So I read online about a woman whose mother in law slapped and she retaliated by slapping her back.
What will your child do that will make you slap her? 
And what will your mother do, that will make you slap her?

Why does everything that has to do in-laws in our African setting, be about fighting and fighting?
Fight for superiority of wills and decisions,
Fight over property
Fight over custody of kids
Fight over nothing but bruised ego
To mention but a few.

There are however homes that you walk in and unless you're told, you'd never know who the biological children of those families are.
The love is so palpable and infectious.

Love of family cannot be bought, coerced, forced but comes naturally.
Let's assume all these are happening because of the upbringing and/or experiences of our parents. Then, how about us?
Our generation should resolve to do better
To be better mother, father, brother, sister, daughter and son in-law and hope that we'd receive the same.
The union of marriage is to build not teach each other down.


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