It was a wonderful day, like any other in our house. Mum was going out to run some errand so she asked me to kill, pluck and fry the chicken. It wasn't my first time frying, so she didn't foresee any problem.

First things first, if you're close to me you'll know it scares me to kill a chicken.
God being so kind, my cousin sister was around and we undertook the task together.
After the killing, instead of using the regular hot water method to remove the feathers, I remembered seeing Mum use fire and I decided to use that.
Well I successfully made a mess of everything and we had to peel out the whole skin of the chicken before we could cook it.

This same thing goes for alot of persons.
You see something you have no idea about but you claim to know it.
I'm not talking about people enthusiastic to learn.
In your job description you said you've been baking for years, hustled hard and you got that wedding gig. Wedding day you delivered fufu covered in sugar as cake.
You said you've been in the catering business for so long. Out of the goodness of her heart, a friend referred you. You knew you couldn't deliver but went ahead to do the job.
Thanks to you, friendship don scatter!

It's one thing to challenge yourself, to take up new jobs and all but how about making an effort to learning the things you don't know?
Between getting the job and time of delivery, you can learn, you can also ask someone you know for assistance. Don't allow greed be your guide cos it might lead you to the end of your business or that contact.


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