Life hacks!

Some people live life so carefree and then go on to justify it with the 'it's my life and I can choose to live how I please' or 'this is me, you either accept me the way I am or leave me be'. 
They forget that life operates on principles and that life runs smoother when we obey them. Well here's one or two of such principles;
Every person is deserving of it. Young, old, big, small, male, female, tall, short, rich or poor. No category applies when it comes to giving honour or respect.
Some persons pick and choose who they think is deserving of it. They try to play smart, giving respect and honour only if they believe they stand to gain something.

You never know if that man walking down the street casually dressed is the key to the job you've been looking for all these years.
You never know if your smile and the way you're well mannered is the reason that quiet woman at the corner of the street recommended you to her nice abroad.
Even children shouldn't be looked down on cos there's the value they also bring.


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