You must be acquainted with the old adage that says 'silencevis golden'.
This is indeed true as keeping quiet saves a person from alot of 'Them say, she say'
It makes you out to be and appear in control, more in charge, to know more, you're more respected and revered and there's an air of mystery around you.
People cannot box you in or limit you to a certain type of way, place or thing.

Some other times, silence might just be that saving grace that helps you escape landing in deep or deeper waters.
I'm the midst of silence, one can also get clarification to problems, new ideas on how to go about issues or better ways to respond.

Do not be in haste to talk, 
Do not always be the first to talk
Letting others talk the lead will help you guage them and how you'd respond and even help make your presentation better.
Finally, don't forget the adage that says silence is the best answer for a fool. Right?
Silence can save you meaningless arguments and explanations.

Learn to use the power of silence to your advantage today.


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