You've got this!

You'll not always be at your high point. There's gonna be beautiful days, there's gonna be dark days.
They'll be days when everyone is dancing around you, they'll be days when you'll be all alone but in those dark days, remember who and whose you are.
A royal diadem, a peculiar people, the apple of God's eyes, his very masterpiece and he said the sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night because he shall preserve your soul even forever more and the most important part? He never sleep nor slumber!

Life will test you
Situations will try to squeeze you
Your faith will be tried
Everything will want to make you believe the opposite of the embodiment of wonders that you are and the beautiful life that you've been gifted by God but don't you ever believe it.

Walk with your head held high
Knowing that no matter how strong things might seem, you'll always overcome!


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