The minute I began hearing the Scizors sound, I began stewing in anger.
This get together was going to be a big one. New and old friends and you know how it always goes down; whether we like it or not, deep down, everyone is accessing each other without words.

I wore the special gown I had set aside for the occasion, all dressed up and ready to roll when I heard kprrrraaaaa!
That was the sound of my zip tearing open😭😭😭, Ahhhhhhhh Jesus wept!
What would be my fate now?
My street is always busy and accessible to all these local craft men so give or take in 5 minutes I'd find a local tailor I thought.
An hour later, I was still waiting!
How could it be that these tailors who would almost want to fall into my compound every other minute were suddenly nowhere to be found?

I gathered myself and found my way to the nearest tailoring shop.
The moment I was done fixing my dress and trying it on, here were the local tailors walking up and down as though there were just let out from some place.πŸ˜ πŸ™„

Ever noticed how these kinda handy people seem to disappear whenever you need them the most?
And the kind of heart break it brings is always so profound.
The shoe mender
The local tailor
The local waste disposal guys (Bo'la)
The local truck water seller (Mai ruwa)
How about the woman who sells fried yam and akara down the street!
The woman selling roasted corn?
See ehhhh just pray these people don't break your heart oh, else your name would be sorry.


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