New day!

My kids and their cousins spent the weekend together and you trust what's like having kids between the ages of 3-5years.
Mad Hhhhhhhoooooouuusseee!
Crying, screaming, shouting, tantrums, settlements, every kind of means to entertain themselves.

I did my best! Ohhhhhhhh I really tried to handle the situation as best as I could.
It surely was by God's grace that I didn't loose my sanity,or throttle anyone.
Four kids running around the house.
I want to eat
I want to poo-poo
I want water

The grace of God is strong oh!
The Lord was my strength and came through for me.
I couldn't wait for the kids to go back to their parents.
Finally they left and the house went back to silent mode

My kids, have been walking around the house like rats drenched in rain
Every alternate minute, they'd be asking 'Mummy, where are my cousins?'
'Mummy, are my cousins coming back?

We wish for a million things, our eyes always searching for the next thing with so much expectations only to go beyond the stage we are and we begin to realize we didn't enjoy the stage we're in.
I was happy they left, now I wish their cousins would comeback.
Well, I've decided to enjoy every minute I get as regards everything in life from the little cries and tantrums of the kids to the very big things cos once that phase is passed, we won't have it again.


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