Not everybody needs it!

You see this thing called 'ADVICE', 
Not everybody needs it
Not everybody can take it
Not every cares about it.
They say a wise man doesn't necessarily have to go through a thing to learn, he simply learns from from the experience of others.
However, some persons have hardness or rather itching ears; they don't want advice and if peradventure you give it, they'd not take it. They prefer to suffer through things themselves, to gamble through situations and ultimately use their lives as experiment.
The resultant end is wasted years, wasted resources, some die, some are lucky and scale through unhurt, some lose valuable friends, connections and opportunities.

Some don't value the advice because they have no value for people or for the person giving the advice
Others are full of themselves. Before you even finish a sentence they have 16 inspirational quotes on what you want to say.
Some honestly have no inclination that they're towing a wrong part or thought up the advice you're giving so they're acting out based on how best they know, 
Others just haven't had anyone guide them, so it would be fair to look out for them as the exceptions.

However don't waste your breathe on anything outside the last two categories.
They simply don't need your advice and any one given is like throwing jewelries on a swine.
Save the advice for where it's needed.


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