They don't define you!

We were having a cool discussion when Mum began recounting some mistakes she made growing up.
On and on she went and with the usual sentiment of wishing she could go back in time to change things.
Had to come in and reminded her of what she has eventually made of herself, how beautiful her life presently is, irrespective of all she had been through in the past.

EVERY single one of us is guilty of one mistake or another.
There's no perfect man or woman in the world, everyone is simply striving to make the best out of themselves.
Therefore, your mistakes in life don't define you.
Your mistakes don't decide how high you'd go, how successful you'd turn out, how influencial you'll be, whether we'd turn out for better or worst.

What decides our tomorrow is us!
What do we do after mistakes occur?
Do we learn from them and move on?
Do we stay stuck on that spot forever, complaining and dishing out regrets?
Do we grow resentful and become worst?

Mistakes, when properly and positively applied, helps us become the best version of us that we can be.
The deed is done.
Make the most out of it by doing right for yourself!


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