What's your genotype? The blood of Jesus?

'Daddy, please forgive us and pray for our daughter, she's dying' they said as they sobbed profusely over the phone.
Many years ago, I remember this couple made their intentions of getting married known to my Dad, given he was their pastor.
It was all exciting until it got to the genotype discussion. Both  of them were AS as such, Dad didn't even waste any time telling them to discontinue with the marriage.
It suddenly looked like my Dad was the devil incarnate, sent to destroy their love. They left the church after saying all manner of ill things and talking about how mighty the God they serve is.
They went ahead to we'd in another church, had kids and then the battle began. Three kids and two are SS. In and out of hospital and then one of such days, Dad got that sad call.

As the love is shacking you as you both are chatting, hanging out, doing crazy stuffs. Over six months now, you've fallen head over heels, have you bothered yo ask of their blood group and genotype?
This is one fundamental question to ask after all the Hi, please give me your number because the outcome of whatever decision you make doesn't only affect you but the children after you.

I remember loosing a university roommate to SS.
I remember a friend crying to me as she described how Sickle cell was tearing her family apart. Out of 5 kids, 3 are SS. The emotional, physical, psychological, financial stress and otherwise on the family...
How about the family who's only child died from SS? The couple didn't recover again and eventually broke up.

Do not be so quick to say yes to that proposal to date, not to mention marriage without conducting medical examination yourself to determine your genotype and more.
Do well to sample opinions from more than one lab or hospital to be extra sure.


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