Wisdom with age!

Growing up, I'd never let it slide.
In my 20's, I had everything to prove. If I hear someone said something about me, I was gonna be coming for and explanation.
If I heard it, then there'd be a confrontation, explanation, apology or something.

Secondly, I always wanted to explain myself, my thoughts, my points, my opinions. I wanted to convey my feelings, so I talked.

Many years down the line, I realized that one didn't always have to talk or be heard, to win.
The answer to win lies n application of wisdom to everything.
The lady who always wanted to prove a point is now the one advicing others to stay calm.
The one who always wanted her voice to be heard is now as still as the waters.

I learnt to apply wisdom in answering people when they question anything I do.
Learnt to indulge people, instead of going into arguements, listen to them, smile a d nod then you part ways and go do the things you've decided on.
A simple 'Yes Sir, yes Ma, will save you from a whole world of arguements, fights and explanation.
And you still get what you want to do with ease.

Now in my 30's, no matter what's been said, I'd just smile, nod and say yes.
Nothing phases me out anymore.
I choose to stay happy, unperturbed  and always ahead!


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