Brother palliative!

The minute we heard 'Mummy where's my food?', we all knew there was kasala and the food if not every edible thing in the kitchen had been cleared off.

As kids, our last born was one who wasn't so into food so it was always a joy to have Mum send us to feed him because whoever did was simply entitled to double portion of food. In the sense that, whoever fed him was virtually entitled to the food as he barely eats.

Many years later and the cub has grown into a full fledged lion. Oga decided that it was payback time.
He eats portions meant for at least two or three persons and tells us he's making up for all his food we ate years ago.

Whenever food is ready and for any reason he goes into the kitchen, before you, forget it. It's always like a tsunami hit the kitchen. All you'd have left are dirty dishes saluting you whenever you choose to show up; hence if cooking is going on everyone stylishly hangs around to take theirs immediately the food is ready.

It's therefore hilarious whenever he walks into the kitchen cos Mum would begin screaming immediately 'Take it easy oh, your Dad, sisters and cousins have not eaten'.

Do you know anyone who eats like theyjust escaped famine?🤣🤣🤣🤣


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