I've seen him do wonders
I've seen him show up for me when I least expected any help, when I thought I was all alone and no one could help me,
Times when I thought the situation I was going through would definitely swallow me.

People laugh when he's mentioned
Others choose outrightly not to give him a chance, not to believe in him at all.
Some for funny reasons, some reasons they find justifiable.
However, the summation of everything is that, God exists and believe it or not, we all need him.

In a world, where all else is failing, the people are broken, love has been traded for in exchange with pursut of material gains, systems are folding, trust is gone, remember that God sure exists.

There would be days when you'd be standing on your last leg
Days when you've decided to end it all
Days you're lost and alone
But you can trust God 
Have faith in his Almighty power,
Trust him to deliver.
He has never failed once and he'd never fail now.


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