Happy teacher's day!

Growing up , one time in my teenage years, my church had a workshop for children and I was amongst those selected to help teach and chaperone the children.
At the beginning of the workshop, I didn't find anything funny because I couldn't understand why the kids wouldn't just behave! 
Why wouldn't they just sit still, stop with the fussing, running around, screaming and petty fights? 

My patience was indeed tested and I said I couldn't take it at all, until another teacher spoke to me. She made me understand that they were simply kids and as such were only being their natural selves by all the displays.

That experience taught me to be different with kids.
Kids are special mini adults.
This special set of persons require all the love and patience a person has to be able to work with them. That's what disnguishes teachers.
I've met those who are so short on patience and tolerance for kids, they end up flogging, scaring and even injuring the kids in a bit to get them to do something.
There are also the wonderful set of teachers that go ll out of their way to love and groom the children under their care.
They go beyond the official settings of the classroom and all to become parents to the children.

As we celebrate the teacher's day, we take cognisance of all the good you do for the kids and celebrate the superheroes called teachers.


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