No time for argument!

I saw the question above and quickly screen grabbed it.
First of, it was a funny one to me because I can't remember hubby and I getting into any heated arguements and it's been over 6 years of marriage.
Someone out there might say it's not possible or that we lie; well Dear it's very much real and the fact that you don't enjoy something or know people who enjoy those things doesn't mean they're none existent.

Hubby and I do talk alot, 
We don't sleep angry
We don't carry grudges
We're not about who is at fault but how to fix things.
However, while courting, it was like a battlefield. Two strongly opinionated and driven people? We were always disagreeing about something, difference in perspective and opinions...
One day after one of those heated exchanges, hubby, my then fiance, asked me if this was how our marriage would be.
Today I'm thankful for all those times of differences because it helped us in understanding each other, taught us how and when to try reaching out and most of all I got to know my hubby better.

Our marriage today is virtually devoid of all the dramas and full of bliss.
However, just to humour those who are doubting, and those who thought out the questions, if for any reason hubby and I get into any argument, leading to me leaving the house, My Dear, go check the back door cos I definitely would be sneaking back to be with My man! 
No time to spend  being stubborn and bitter.
Hubby better hurry and find me in the basement!


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