Testing My God!

You see the word of God?
Word of God pierced my heart!
If my memory serves me correctly, there was even tears involved.
Ahhhhhh Pastor gave us the word of truth
Going home, I walked out with some much humility and the HolyGhost.
Driving home, I didn't even do the usual screaming as I was co-piloting with hubby.
Hubby could sense my gentle demeanor cos the HolyGhost was actively working in me.

I couldn't stop humming along to the worship that was sang in church as I went about my chores 
'Receive, this pleasing sacrifice, 
I am, your worship
Accept, this living sacrifice,
I am, your worship'
For sure Brother Dunsin Oyekan was in the spirit when he composed this wonderful verse.

High and at the verge of kabashing, I walked into our bedroom to find hubby's clothes sprawled out on the chair.
My holy charged battery guage went from 99% to 1%.
I was almost at the verge of entering the world.
But come to to think of it, why do people like testing you the minute you decide to change and start behaving like God's child?
Hubby has a habit of piling clothes on the chair.
We had 'the talk' last night where he promised to change and I promptly sorted out all the clothes and less than 24hours later his church wear was comfortably sitting on the chair.

Thank God for the 1% HolyGhost left in me.
I quickly used it to walk away as fast as my legs could carry me before my salvation would be tempted as well.

My people,do you have that chair?
Where the not so clean and not so dirty clothes sit?
Abeg, try clear am.
It was meant to be a chair not hanger of wardrobe confusion .


  1. Na that very chair be the official position for the clothes. No stress.


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