Their opinions? Doesn't matter!

You see this life, you can't please everybody and no matter what you do, there are those who are hell bent on maintaining their opinion of you.
If it's not plain madness please explain these category of persons to me.

First, how you see someone you've never met before, no link between you both, no previous encounter, you're just seeing them for the first time and they've already formed an opinion of who you are and what they perceive you to be.
So I went visiting hubby one time before we got married and I met a friend of his and with all excitement I greeted him as hubby introduced us, shook his hands firmly and we got talking. Hubby was to tell me that upon my departure, Mr friend said he didn't like women like me because we are too forward and opinionated. Well, thankfully he wasn't the one I was dating.

Secondly, those whose minds are made upon about who you are simply because somebody said something to them about you.
They've not had any encounter with you but because Mr A said you're this, then you definitely are that. No point finding out for themselves, no point asking you, no point hearing other opinion.
Even if they should subsequently hear good things about you, they'd rather stick to the not so nice one they heard decades ago.

Some persons are set in their ways, no matter how hard you try, how nice you act, what you deprive yourself or how untrue what they know is, they'd rather stick with it.
Funny thing is, those who don't know you are the first to spread informations about you. Busy talking about a person they don't know so confidently to others.
See why you can't base your happiness or motivation for life from people?
Do you and no matter the curve life throws, live your life to the fullest and forget crazy opinions cos they don't matter!


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