Trust in your process.

2016, I came online to find the wedding invite of a secondary school classmate. We used to be somewhat close and as usual, life happened and we all went our ways.

Seeing the wedding invite got to me so so much, almost bodder line jealous.
I wasn't jealous in the negative to wish her evil, I just thought my life was stagnant.
It felt like everyone was making some sort of progress while I was stuck there, in one spot, just watching them go and grow.

The narrative above wasn't really true but life was happening to me. However that the rain is falling on your roof today, doesn't mean the sun won't come shinning brightly tomorrow.
How do you measure success or progress?
Everyone is moving in this space called 'life' on theirown pace. You begin to sink when you start comparing yourself or your progress with those around you.

I was comparing myself and feeling sad.
Little did I know  the beauty that was lying ahead of me that year. In the end, 2016 marked the beginning of my best years so far.

Don't go worrying yourself whatever happens.
Pray, do your best and trust that everything will be alright!


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