Do better!

What's the reason behind the tacky behaviour on display in our time?
You're good friends with a person, you both are practically everywhere together and then, there's some falling out; next thing you're online ranting.
How about those in relationships or marriage? One minute you're both dancing to Celine Dion and Ed Sheeran,next minute is fight and the blogs would begin to have a field day on informations or negative and hard words that get exchanged.

Is there a problem with just staying cordial with people when the 'ships' sail?
You mustn't continue being in each other's business if you choose, but you could at least be civil about your interactions.
If for any little misunderstanding your mouth becomes the outlet for every detailed news about the other party, then this is some serious character flaw.

Not all relationships must end the way we want it to and if for whatever reason the relationships we're in fades, then know that it has served it's course.
Some times, you might be opportuned to cross paths again.
Let that meeting be filled with smiling, not regrets and avoidance.


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