Happy International Men's day.

My Grandma always had a slogan that says 'What makes one a man is not the thing in between his legs'.
She'd always throw the phrase around whenever my brothers misbehaved.

I remember clearly how involved my Dad always was in our growing up and still is as grown ups.
He sat with me severally, teaching me handwriting, would always go all out whenever I had a problem and called for his help and even when I don't and somehow he finds out, he'd do his best to smoothen things out.
My Dad would wake up every night walk into every room praying for all of us.
And of course, my brothers today are walking in his footprints of kindness.

Many years later, I'm blessed to be married to another wonderful, kind, hardworking, loving and intentional man.
The sacrifices he makes on a daily to make his family and friends happy can only be better described.

Today, we do not just acknowledge the men in our lives for the roles they play but we celebrate them and wish to say that it's ok to be tired, want to take a break, to get emotional or vulnerable, to just want a breather!
We love and celebrate you all.


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