Love is giving!

'For God so loved the world,that he gave...'
God loved =  God gave
If a man also loves = man will give.

I once dated a guy who all through the duration of that relationship, I couldn't point to one thing I got out of it.
The day I knew I had entered one chance was the day he came asking me to help lie to his Mum about the money in his possession because she was asking him for some money and he didn't want to part with his money.
A person who lies to his Mum just so he won't give her, what hope was there for me?
Some will say be what you want him to be first. Relax, I can't count the things I did for this person, from getting him a face, to wristwatch, countless clothes, got him to start building himself a house, got him to begin his masters degree program...

And then I met my husband!
He redefined love with his selflessness
Always giving, so much so that I began doubting if I understood what it meant to really give.
He gave and taught me again to give.
It didn't end with the materials, he pushed for my all round development.

Bottom line is, there can be no love without giving.
So when that person says 'i love you' and three to six months down the line you're still the way you met them or even going backwards, My Dear, RUN!!!


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