On to the Mummy level

It's another Sunday oh
This time around it's not shoe disgracing me,
Or my son pulling my wig.
This time it's my wrapper!

The 'Able mothers' in church decided to tie wrapper today with the usual white blouse and gele in celebration of our Daddy G.O's birthday.
I told this women that this was a wrong idea from the start but they wouldn't listen.
Most especially for us young mothers.
They insisted we had to learn and accept wearing wrapper as it was a culture that has been passed down from our mothers to us.

Here I was almost lying facedown if not for Brother Benard who was passing by at the time and saved me from the embarrassing fall.
Instantly I knew I should've listened to my spirit not to join the women in this hullabaloo.
Now see,I paid the hard way.

From the glances I'm getting and returning, I'm very certain the women already know there will not be a repeat performance til they kingdom come.

On behalf of myself and I, I drink this pack of hollandia yoghurt as a sign of apology never to do it again.
Women who're such experts in tying wrappers, how do you do it?


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