Professional beggars!!!

You see, truth be told, not everyone needs help.
Some are crying out for clout,
To be noticed and given attention.
Some cry out because they believe there's a bigger market to 'help them'.

A woman decided to help another woman who has goitre and has been crying on social media for help.
Lady A took it upon herself to get lady B and so they went, from government house to individuals, from one parastatal to another.

Finally this lady's case caught the attention of some doctors abroad who decided to perform the surgery to remove the goiter at no cost.
After tests upon tests, minor expenses on Lady A.
Lady B turned down the free surgery and opted to take #300,000 some person contributed towards her surgery.

It's the same routine.
This time around, it was a mother with tripplet, always begging around with terrible clothing.
Lady B met her, was moved and so, she got the beggar lady a house, stocked and furnished the house and gave her some money to start off a business.
Two weeks later, she stumbled on the same lady and with the toddlers in a new location, begging.

Some persons don't want or deserve help.
That begging is a big source of livelihood for them so that supposed house you want to rent or the school you're registering them in, the job you're trying to get them, or anything you're trying to do to get them off the street, is not what they want.
The street is their business and you'd simply be wasting resources trying to get them off.
Not everyone deserves help!


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