I love love love to cook and everyone around me knows this fact.
Based on this love, I always wanna try out new recipe and so, I'm always cooking watching videos or surfing the net for these new recipe to make.

I found out that most videos and even pictures posted online are edited.
I've seen some food videos and when I decide to try them I get nothing.
I used to wonder at the beauty of some cooked meals until I found out some were that beautiful looking because of how much they were edited.

Same is applicable to life.
Some persons are literally living in heaven online
They have fleet of cars on social media
They're walking with the high and mightys of the society
Online, it looks like everything they touch turns to gold.
After watching this, some persons become pressured and as such, they begin to put themselves into place they shouldn't, do things they also shouldn't just to also look like they're happening.

If most people can be privileged to see how others or those they admire live behind closed doors, they'd stop putting themselves under pressure to look a certain way in the society.
Best advice: Do you!
Live your life in sincerity and in ways that will bring you happiness 


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