Keypad warriors!

Social media today has become so vile.
Go through the comment section on any post and you'd find someone hurling hurtful words at another because he or she is not of the same opinion.

People sit on their invisible thrones of judgement and begin to castigate or write ill about what they have little or no knowledge about.
Someone dies they write that they were careless or it's their fault in some type of way,
Someone is ill, why spare him when they've lambasted the dead?
How much more you're going through some form of misfortune or you unfortunately have bad press about you; it's over!

Some days back people were literally writing very insensitive things about Paris Hilton's son, making fun of his head, which is a medical condition that cannot be helped.
If it was a thing money could sure, you and I both know she would've long taken care of it, but that's not the case.

Even in conditions were people are physically challenged or have some form of defects either by birth or something outside the control of those affected, people will still write to troll them.
God help our generation to be empathic, yo know what it's like to genuinely love and care, to understand that it's not all about shining or gaining followers and clout.
At the end of the day, humanity takes precedence above all else.


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