What manner of thing is this?

God had done so much miraculous things for my family, so hubby decided we do a family thanksgiving.
And so we went to church, singing, dancing, bearing fruits of appreciation and to cap it all we gave our testimonies to the glory of God.
It was such a joyful time in God's presence.

Fortunately and unfortunately, a staff in my kids school attends our church and after the thanksgiving, hubby and I became marked people.
By the end of service that day, she called me aside to tell me of her million woes and financial assistance.
That day onwards, it seemed she'd always wait at the school gate for whenever we're dropping off or picking the kids; trying to make conversations, pleasantries, random crazy hugs, chatty chatty chatty...
Well, today after service, she walked up to me with a smile and told me to go home and teach the kids well cos exam starts tomorrow and she wouldn't want her special students failing.

This lady who barely said hi to hubby and I before, suddenly won't let us breathe oh.
Now I'm wondering if testifying in church was a crime.

There are lots of people like this lady.
They look down on people, snub them or outrightly give nasty attitudes but the minute they perceive they can gain something from you, their behaviour makes a 360° turn.
Some come to church or social functions and after profiling a person, next thing they're all over you, calling or messaging, asking for A,B or C.

We're going into another school week and I'm already dreading the routine encounter now.
Please how does one deal with such?


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