Words of counsel

It's my life and I'd live it to the fullest.
I live my life the way I want and anyone who isn't cool with it should get out of my space.
I don't owe anyone, anything...

Those are statements made by people who choose not to listen when cautioned.
Most times they despice the advice and the adviser.
Their pride or stubbornness goes before them, preventing them from listening to the words being said.

And then, they fall...

We just lost a lady here
Two kids and lost her husband almost two years ago.
Before the demise of her husband, he wouldn't stop complaining of her drinking habit.
She always drank herself to stupor.
Well, few days ago, her second son had his birthday and she took to the bottles again.
This time around, she didn't make it!

It might be a lifestyle advice
It might be some business advice
Whatever the case, do not be quick to disperse with the counsel of elders or those better experienced than you are.


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