Mummy the biggie biggie shopper!!!

Somebody will ask now if I'm their real mother.
Hubby would always say I'm moved to buy things because I've taken a fancy to them and once I do, other factors become inconsequential.

I'm not one given to frivolous or spontaneous buying, neither can I be cajoled or pressured to buy what I don't want to but when I love something, I'd always find a way.
This however has its down side especially when it comes to shopping for my kids.
Are there other parents who have a hard time getting the right sizes of clothes or shoes for their kids?
I think I officially should be crowned the chief of them all.

Hubby on the other hand just needs to look at an item to know it would if it would fit or not.
I've had to buy and return severally because the item was over or under size.
I therefore dare not go shopping without hubby or without the intended recipient.
Few weeks ago, hubby and I went shopping for him and then I stumbled upon this very cool and classy shoe for boys.
I ready pictured my son rocking it and so, I picked it up but then I kept going back and forth about the size in my mind but I just told myself it wouldn't be much of a difference even if it wasn't his exact size.
One look and hubby told me it would be way over our son's size. But would I listen? No ohhh, I was sold on the shoe and made him pay for it.

Remember his quote? 'Baby you buy because you love things and nothing else matters', so he said while he laughed and made payment.
I was overjoyed and could wait for our son to try it on. The minute he put his leg in, hubby had that silly ' I told you so' grin on his face.
My people, that shoe would definitely be sitting in the shoe rack for another two years😭😭😭😭.

How about the one time I went shopping while pregnant?
Suffice it to say, 90% of the things I got that day our son began wearing them when he clocked 2years and upwards.
I dare not go shopping alone unless I'm planning to buy things for some other people.
It's Christmas shopping time and my mind flashed back to when our parents would use broom stick to measure our feet and somehow still end up buying us oversized shoes with the arguement that we'd grow into it.
Maybe that's the spirit I'm operating with because the ancestors would be so proud of me.
Yes, no matter how hard the jingle bells ring, i sure wouldn't be shopping without hubby; don't want the kids turning out like the picture above.😁


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