God hears, God speaks!

'Madam, you're carrying a baby girl' the young lady said
What? Did I just hear well?
I quickly beckoned on hubby to come join me to listen to the lady as she spoke again.

The backstory was that I was an 8 months pregnant and very hungry woman at the time who didn't know what she wanted to eat.
I had hubby driving round town in search of food until i spotted this funny looking bukka by the roadside and stopped there.

My people the minute I got to the food stand, the lady serving said 'Madam, you're having a baby girl and her name is Chizaramekpere'.
The accuracy of what the lady said was quite shocking cos we weren't expecting that.
We prayed for a baby girl and had gone ahead to name her Chizaramekpere, so imagine our shock, encouragement and excitement.

Well, today's our daughter's birthday and on that premise I'd love to tell you that God hears you when you pray and he speaks as well.
So if you're in a situation where you don't know what to do, talk to God.
He hears and he speaks.


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