Have you heard it all?

I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I watched the video of ' The Aluu four'.
Nothing could have prepared me for it. I live haunted by it and many years later I still cringe and cry when I get flashbacks.
Four promising and handsome men lost their lives to a one sided story which turned out to be a lie. Without asking the boys their side of the story, the community tortured and burnt them to death.

How about a man who was caught on camera pouring water on a woman to make her get off his property. The video went viral, people were calling for his head, without hearing his side.
He was arrested, his business page massively reported and in the end he was forced to shutdown his business and the family source of livelihood for many many years.
Back story: He ran an art gallery, where wealthy and influencial people loved to visit.
The woman in question was a serious drug addict and picked his business as the perfect place to beg for money 
He would curse out and harass customers who didn't give to her 
After so many complaints, with time, customers began to rapidly stop coming.
He had on so many occasions begged the lady to leave but she'd curse him out, until that day when he couldn't help it and decided to use water in the lady. Unfortunately, that was when someone chose to record. This not only destroyed the man but his business.

So many people have lost friends, businesses, family, severed ties from people they might have needed in their lives just because they heard one side of something and never sought for clarification or explanation from the other side.

Before you make that drastic, life changing decision, be sure that you know the whole story.


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