I was on the bus which was cruising slowly till it got to this stop and these lovely oldies got in, great couple, the way the husband was treating her one would get the feeling that they were madly in love and had been so for a while.

Then this young couple got in and continued their gist which must have started before they got in. The young girl was explaining to her male friend about another friend of hers.

“ The first time he slept with me, was after a party, we stayed so late and he couldn’t go back to his place so I told him to follow me home. When my mum opened the door and saw him her face flushed with surprise and anger….. but my parents later got to know him as a great guy”

The old lady started with a smile which grew into a peal of laughter and she drew her husband closer and whispered stuff into his ears which started a conversation. They went down memory lane about how he met her parents the first day they met.

And I was there thinking….. How do we know that the person we meet is THE ONE on the first day we meet them? How can we know?


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