Be You!

I belong to a closed group strictly for women and recently the admins of the group decided to provided the members opportunity to post stories of their experiences or problems anonymously and it just seems all floodgates were opened.

It's been from one marital complaint to the other, what stood out most was the amount of women going through disappointments from their partners. 
From those who were made fake proposals to those who even got married only to find that they were deceived into marriage and most of all, those whose spouses did a 360⁰ change in the marriage.

Gradually, most of these women decided to take revenge and a good number of them decided that they'd do the same things the men were doing, in order to hurt the men.
This is where I got sad!
Do not change who you are because you want to hurt somebody 
How do you decide to taint yourself because of somebody?
You decide to cheat, lie, become a shadow of the real you just to take revenge.
In the course of hurting another you have begun hurting yourself and somewhere down the line, you might no longer recognize yourself.

If you find yourself in any situations where somethings are a deal breaker to you, why not move on? Remove yourself from such a situation rather than changing who you are and living in regret much later because in the end, who you'd hurt most would be your true self.


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