Entitled entitlement

Hey you!
Yes you!
There's no point turning around cos you know it's you I'm about addressing.
What in God's beautiful name makes you feel the money your sibling or some relation worked to garner, belongs to you in some sort of way?

You get angry your brother buys a property, you get vexed that your sister buys a car. How about when they buy for their spouse? You'd almost go into coma.
You know all the better things that could've spent their money on.
You know all the super investments.
Yet you do nothing but bring down their phones with calls, make requests and explode when they're not granted.

My people, there's dignity in labour.
Nobody owes you anything
Orphans survive everyday
Widows, widowers survive everyday
How about those simply abandoned? They survive.
YOU, however owe yourself the responsibility/duty to succeed.
You said your Uncle didn't give you school fees, so you ran and put his name on the altar to die. Hahahahaha

Forget that your rich Uncle, Aunty, brother or Sister, they also have their own challenges.
Channel that spirit of entitlement into being productive and build yourself so that neither you nor your offsprings would be dependent on hand me downs.


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