Tobi was one of the surest guy in my street. As calm, cool and collected as can be. Never gave anyone trouble, always neatly and sharply dressed. As an only child, he was indeed his mother's pride, and since his father abandoned them from his teenage age, he was literally her everything.
It was beautiful watching mother and son take walks every evening, or go to market together and whenever he could pull her, they'd go jogging 🤣.
Years later after several failed attempts to gain admission, he enrolled into the Nigerian Army. You needed to have seen the hero's welcome his mum gave him the first time he came home in his uniform. The whole street heard her voice and of course, everyone brought gifts to celebrate with Tobi and his Mum.
It marked a new beginning for the family as his family began living well, his Mum began looking so much fresh and beautiful. Tobi was now the breadwinner of the home.
Tobi got posted to Maiduguri and had so many tales to tell whenever he returned. One time, he told us he was on his last assignment there and would be posted out after that.
Well, Tobi never returned. How were we to know that would be his last assignment?
His death was more than a shocker to everyone because the whole street lost a good son.
Few months in and guess what? His Mum died as well. It was a cold time for all of us.
Today marks the remembrance day for the Nigerian Armed Forces.
So Today, I choose to remember Tobi as the valiant hero that he was and many others who have also lost their lives in service to our beloved nation Nigeria.
To their loved ones left behind; we say we love you and the labour of our heros past shall never be in vain.
And to those alive, active or retired, we celebrate you!
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