'She was adopted so'...
Mr Chukwudu's death be became the end to everything called family in his home.
He was a very intentional and caring man so, when he found out he was terminally ill, he quickly put up his will without the knowledge of any member of his family.

Upon his death, all hell broke loose. Everyone was trying to grab one thing or the other for themselves.
It was on one of such occasions when Tracy tried to stop her younger brother from taking something out of the house that he dropped the bomb on her, telling her she was adopted and as such wasn't a legitimate part of their family.

The Chukwudu's as a young couple had been trying for a child for over seven years. Doctors said they were fine, but nothing seemed to be happening for them.
The couple finally decided to adopt and that's how Tracy came into their lives.
Her presence marked an all round open door for the family cos immediately, they conceived and had a bouncing baby boy, businesses took a 360⁰ boom, everything just became heaven on earth.

You can imagine the face of all the family members when Mr Chukwudu's lawyer came bearing his will and upon the reading, Mr Chukwudu left 60% of his properties to her because he knew she was the most trustworthy and industrious of all his four children.

Anyways, my case today is on adoption.
Why adopt a child you're not going to protect?
Why adopt a child that when the tides change for you, you quickly tirn against them as though they're inconveniences or distractions in your life?
A child adopted is a legal child just like the one you birthed yourself.
Know this!!!


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