To be forewarned is to be...

We used to have this neighbour who was good at taking every kind of herb.
She'd always say nature had the answer or better still, solution to everything.
If Mummy Taiwo had stomach ache, then be rest assured she had something for it
Fever, toothache, leg pain, 
Any illness you can think of, she had the herb for it

At some point she started advertising in our neighborhood
So many fell for it
But then with the little knowledge of biological sciences that my siblings and I had, we'd always caution our parents against Indulging in such

It looked like we didn't know what's up
Or we had too much money to spend, going to the pharmacy to get drugs
Until one day Mummy Taiwo became seriously ill
Her herbs were not making any difference
Her children began praying and next thing you know, she was admitted in the hospital by then, it was way too late and in no time, her body caved in. Kidney and liver packed up.

See that woman selling Agbo that you are patronizing anyhow, or the one you're buying on the road or cooking for yourself without the consultation of a physician, don't say nobody warned you against it oh.
It's not too late to begin doing the right thing.
If you're ill, go see a doctor for proper treatment.
All these cars druving around and selling one drug that cures everything, from ulcer to cancer, it's a lie from the pit of hell, the real target is your liver.
If you're ill, go see a doctor today!


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