The unteachable!

The worst kind  of people to deal with are the unteachable ones.
Those who know it all so they don't listen to learn. Before you begin the sentence they'd help you state the end. You're trying to explain something, they finish it for you. Before you begin they are already supplying answers and recommendations.

Then there are those who know it all through their actions because they refuse to listen to anyone.
Whenever one is giving an advice or suggestions, they look you up, rate you, downsize you and sum up your level to be able to even hear you.

Absolutely nobody!
Humility will get you everywhere but being unteachable is a disease that leads to nowhere but failure.
Humility opens every door, being unteachable closes all doors.

Ever had an encounter with such a one before?
If you have them as a teammate, they'd cost you many wins
Have them as a spouse, it's one fight to another
Have them as a boss, your name is sorry.
Whatever you do,don't be such a person oh!


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