Nothing in life 'JUST' happens
Things don't just fall on your laps like magic
There's that point when you're chasing something and you tell yourself 'i'm getting this thing or nothing'.

Recently a friend chatted me up asking about how I was able to achieve a particular goal and in the middle of his statement he said 'i'd like to be informed so that I'd know if I should go ahead or just keep my money or if in the next three to five months I'd have gotten it'.
Of course it was a funny thing to hear because any radical change you want must be backed up with radical decisions.
When my family achieved that feat, we didn't think of the amount(not because we had in abundance) but our minds were made up and there was no room for alternatives.

Esther said in the Bible 'if I perish, I perish'!
What's the motivation backing up your decisions?
If you still have alternatives, then you're not yet ready to make drastic moves!!!


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